View Profile SecretClock

April Fulp @SecretClock

Age 36, Male

Black woman

Black Woman Academy

Black Woman Street, NY

Joined on 12/28/07

Exp Points:
930 / 1,110
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5.19 votes
Police Officer
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Posted by SecretClock - August 14th, 2008

And I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glory




I'll buy a Wii.

Oh damn, am i late to win 2000$!? ^^
Ahah, your clock submission was great. Really loved the music choise and the atmosphere, entertaining!
Well i hate synth voice but..who cares :)

(nice tits btw..Tom please don't ban me!)

damn those r sum big tits


Excerpt from MEIN KAMPF:

HEUTE scheint es zu mich schicksalhaft jenes Schicksal hätte wählen sollen Braunau auf dem Gasthaus als mein Geburtsort. Für dies kleine Städtelügen auf der Grenze zwischen zwei deutschen Staaten, die wir von der jüngeren Generation wenigstens es unsere Lebensarbeit gemacht hat, durch jedes Mittel an unserer Verfügung wiederzuvereinigen. Deutsch Österreich muss zum großen deutschen Mutterland, und nicht wegen irgendeiner wirtschaftlichen Berücksichtigungen zurückkehren. Nein und wieder nein: selbst wenn so eine Gewerkschaft unwichtig von einem wirtschaftlichen Standpunkt war; ja, selbst wenn es schädlich war, es muss dennoch stattfinden. Ein Blut verlangt ein Reich. Nie wird die deutsche Nation besitzt das moralische Recht, sich mit kolonialer Politik zu beschäftigen, bis wenigstens es seine eigenen Söhne innerhalb eines einzelnen Staats umarmt. Nur, wenn die Reich Ränder das sehr letzte Deutsch miteinschließen, aber kann nicht mehr garantieren, dass seiner täglich paniert, wird das moralische Recht, ausländische Erde zu erlangen, von der Not von unseren eigenen Leuten entsteht. Ihr Schwert wird unser Pflug werden, und von den Rissen das das tägliche Brot vom Krieg zukünftiger Generationen wird wachsen. Und deswegen dies scheint kleine Stadt auf dem Rand zu mir das Symbol von einer großen Mission. Und in einer anderen Rücksicht ebenso, ragt es als eine Ermahnung zur Gegenwart auf. Vor mehr als einen hundert Jahren hat dieser bedeutungslose Ort die Auszeichnung von verewigt zu werden in den Annalen wenigstens von deutscher Geschichte, dafür war die Szene von einer tragischen Katastrophe gehabt, die die ganze deutsche Nation gepackt hat. Zur Zeit ist unseres Vaterlands die tiefste Erniedrigung, Johannes Handfläche von Nuremberg, burgher, Buchhändler, kompromissloser Nationalist und französischer Verabscheuer, dort für das Deutschland gestorben, das er so leidenschaftlich sogar in ihrem Unglück geliebt hat. Er hatte hartnäckig abgelehnt, seine Komplizen zu denunzieren, die eigentlich seiner überlegenen waren. In folglich er hat Leo Schlageter geähnelt. Und wie ihn, wurde er zum Französisch durch einen Vertreter von seinem Regierung Einem Augsburg Polizeichef hat gewonnen diesen wenig beneidenswerten Ruhm denunziert, der folglich ein Beispiel für unsere modernen deutschen Beamten im Reich von Herr Severing ausstattet. In dies kleine Stadt auf dem Gasthaus, das von den Strahlen deutschem Martyrium vergoldet worden ist, Bayer durch Blut, technisch österreichisch, hat meine Eltern in den späten achtziger Jahren vom vergangenes Jahrhundert gelebt; mein Vater, den meine Mutter der alle gibt, die sie zum Haushalt ist, und hat vor allem zu uns Kinder in ewig, Sorge Kleine Überreste in meiner Erinnerung von dieser Periode liebend, für nach einigen Jahren meinen Vater gewidmet Musste die kleine Randstadt verlassen, die er gelernt hatte, zu lieben, bewegend das Gasthaus hinunter, eine neue Position in Passau zu nehmen, d.h., in Deutschland passend. In den Tagen war Konstantenbewegen die Menge von einem österreichischen Zollbeamten. Eine Kurzarbeit später, mein Vater wurde zu Linz geschickt, und dort er wurde schließlich pensioniert. Noch tatsächlich dies war, "res" nicht zu bedeuten' für den alten Herrn. In seinen jüngeren Tagen als der Sohn eines armen cottager, könnte er nicht tragen, zu Hause zu bleiben. Bevor er sogar dreizehn war, hat der kleine Junge seinen winzigen Rucksack zugeschnürt und ist von seinem Heim im Waldviertel weggerannt. Trotz des an versucht von "erfahrenen" Dorfbewohnern, ihm abzuraten, hat er seinen Weg nach Wien, dort gemacht, einen Handel zu lernen. Dies war in den fünfziger Jahren vom vergangenes Jahrhundert. Eine verzweifelte Entscheidung, zur Straße mit nur drei gulden für Reisengeld zu nehmen, und Eintauchen ins unbekannte. Bis das dreizehn Jahre alte gewachsen ist, siebzehn zu sein, war er an der Untersuchung seines Lehrlings vorbeigegangen, aber er war befriedigt nicht noch. Im Gegenteil. Die lange Periode der Mühsal, endlosen Elends, und leidend er war gegangen durch hat gestärkt seinen Entschluss, seinen Handel aufzugeben, und zu werden ,etwas besser. Früher hatte der arme Junge den Priester als die Verkörperung von allen menschlich erreichbaren Höhen betrachtet; jetzt in der großen Stadt, die so großartig seine Perspektive verbreitert hatte, war es der Rang des Beamten. Mit der ganzen Hartnäckigkeit von einem jungen Mann, den sich leidet und sorgt, hatte "alt" gemacht, während still ein halbes Kind, das siebzehn Jahre alte zu seinem neuen geklebt hat, Entscheidung er hat den öffentlichen Dienst eingetragen. Und nach beinahe dreiundzwanzig Jahren glaube ich, hat er sein Ziel erreicht. Folglich hat er geschienen, ein Gelübde erfüllt zu haben, das er gemacht hatte, als ein armer Junge: dass er zu seinem beliebten eingeborenen Dorf nicht zurückkehren würde, bis er etwas von sich selbst gemacht hatte. Sein Ziel wurde erreicht; aber niemand im Dorf könnte sich an den kleinen Jungen ehemaliger Tage erinnern, und zu ihm das Dorf war fremd gewachsen. Wenn schließlich, im Alter von sechsundfünfzig, ist er in Ruhestand gegangen, könnte er nicht tragen, einen einzelnen Tag von seiner Freizeit in Untätigkeit zu verbringen. Nah das Obere österreichische Marktdorf von Lambach er hat einem Bauernhof gekauft, der er hat gearbeitet sich selbst, und folglich, im Kreislauf von einem langen und fleißigen Leben, das zu den Ursprüngen von seinen Vorfahren zurückgekehrt wird. Es war zurzeit, den die ersten Ideale Gestalt in meiner Brust angenommen haben. Mein ganzer Spielen ungefähr im offenen, der lange Spaziergang, einzuschulen, und besonders meine Vereinigung mit äußerst stämmigen Jungen, die manchmal meine Mutter bittere Qual verursacht haben, hat mich das genaue Gegenteil von einem häuslichen Menschen gemacht. Und obwohl zu der Zeit ich kaum irgendeine ernsten Ideen bezüglich des Berufs gehabt habe, der ich sollte eines Tages verfolgt, waren meine Sympathien auf jeden Fall nicht in der Richtung vom Beruf meines Vaters. Ich glaube, dass sogar dann mein oratorisches Talent in der Form mehr oder weniger gewalttätiger Argumente mit meinen Mitschülern entwickelt wurde. Ich war ein kleiner Rädelsführer geworden; an Schule ich habe leicht und zu der Zeit sehr gut gelernt, aber war sonst ziemlich hart, zu behandeln. Da in meiner Freizeit ich empfangen habe, singend Lektionen im Kreuzgang an Lambach, habe ich ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit gehabt, mich selbst mit der ernsten Pracht von den brillanten Kirchenfeiern zu berauschen. Als nur natürlich war, hat der Abt zu mir geschienen, als der Dorfpriester einmal zu meinem Vater, das höchste und das wünschenswerteste Ideal geschienen hatte. Eine Zeit lang, wenigstens dies war der Fall. Aber da mein Vater, aus verständliche Gründe, sich als unfähig erwiesen hat, die oratorischen Talente von seinem streitsüchtigen Jungen zu schätzen, oder von ihnen irgendeine günstigen Schlüsse betreffend der Zukunft seiner Nachkommenschaft zu zeichnen, könnte er, geht es ohne zu sagen, erreicht kein Verständnis für solche jugendlichen Ideen. Mit Angelegenheit hat er diesen Konflikt der Natur beobachtet. Als es geschehen ist, war meine vorläufige Bestrebung für diesen Beruf auf jeden Fall bald, zu verschwinden, machend Ort für Hoffnungen staatlicher zu meiner Veranlagung. Wühlen durch die Bibliothek meines Vaters, ich hatte auf verschiedene Bücher von einer militärischen Natur darunter eine populäre Ausgabe vom Franco-Deutsch Krieg von 1870-7I Es hat bestanden aus zwei Ausgaben von einer illustrierten Zeitschrift von den Jahren gestoßen, der jetzt meine Lieblingvorlesung geworden ist, ausmacht Ihm war nicht lang, bevor der große heroische Kampf meine größte innere Erfahrung geworden war. Von dann auf ich bin immer begeisterter um alles geworden, das in wie auch immer verbunden mit Krieg war, oder eigentlich mit soldiering Aber in einer anderen Rücksicht ebenso, dies war, Wichtigkeit für mich anzunehmen. Zum erstem Mal obwohl bis jetzt in einer verwirrten Form, wurde die Frage auf meinem Bewusstsein gezwungen: Gab es einen Unterschied -und wenn doch welches Unterschied zwischen die Deutsch, d

Excerpt from MY STRUGGLE:

TODAY seems to me inevitable that fate would choose Braunau to the inn as my birthplace. For this small town lies on the border between the two German states, which we of the younger generation at least, our working lives has made, by any means at our disposal wiederzuvereinigen. German Austria must be the great German mother country, and not because of any economic Berücksichtigungen return. No and no again: even if such a union unimportant from an economic point of view was, yes, even if it was harmful, it must still take place. A blood requires an empire. Never will the German nation has the moral right to deal with colonial policy to employ, at least until its own sons within a single state embracing. Only when the reach the very margins last miteinschließen German, but can no longer guarantee that its daily breaded, the moral right to foreign soil to gain from the plight of our own people. My sword is our plow, and the cracks of the daily bread of future generations from the war will grow. And that's why this seems small town on the edge to me the symbol of a great mission. And in another respect as well, it stands as a reminder to the present. More than a hundred years, this meaningless award from the city to be immortalized in the annals of German history at least, that was the scene of a tragic disaster had the whole German nation has packed. Currently, our father's deepest humiliation, Johannes palm of Nuremberg, burgher, book dealers, uncompromising nationalist and French Verabscheuer there for the Germany died, which he so passionately even in their misfortune love. He had stubbornly refused to denounce his accomplices who were actually his superior. In consequence he has Leo Schlageter geähnelt. And like him, he was appointed French by a representative of his government Augsburg A police chief has won this unenviable reputation denounced, which is therefore an example of our modern German officials in the kingdom of Mr. Severing equips. In this small town on the inn run by the German Radiation martyrdom gold has been, Bayer by blood, technically Austrian, my parents in the late eighties of last century, my father, my mother of all, they to the budget, and has especially to us forever children in care Little remains in my memory of this period, loving, for several years after my father devoted Did the little edge city, which he had learned to love, moving down the inn , A new position in Passau, namely, Germany match. In the days constant moving was the amount of an Austrian customs officials. A short time later, my father was sent to Linz, where he was finally retired. Even this was actually, "res" does not mean 'for the old man. In his younger days as the son of a poor cottager, he could not bear to stay at home. Before he even was thirteen, the little boy his tiny backpack and is zugeschnürt from his home in the Waldviertel weggerannt. Despite the attempts of an "experienced" villagers, discouraged him, he has his way to Vienna, then, to learn a trade. This was in the fifties of last century. A desperate decision to the street with only three gulden for travel money, and dipping into the unknown. Until the thirteen years old has grown, seventeen to be, he was involved in the investigation of his apprentice passed, but he was not satisfied. On the contrary. The long period of hardship, endless misery and suffering he had gone through has strengthened its decision to abandon its trade, and to be something better. Previously, the poor boy the priest as the embodiment of all human reach heights considered now in the big city, so great had widened his perspective, it was the rank of the officials. With all the tenacity of a young man, which is suffering and care had "old" made while still half a child, seventeen years old glued to his new, decision he has requested the public service. And after nearly twenty-three years, I believe he has achieved his goal. Consequently, he geschienen, a vow to have met that he had made as a poor boy: that he loved his native village would not return until he finds something of himself had made. His goal has been achieved, but nobody in the village could join the small boys remember former days, and for him the village was a stranger grown. Finally, if, at the age of fifty-six, he's retired, he could not bear a single day of inaction in his spare time to spend. Near the Upper Austrian market town of Lambach he has bought a farm, he has worked himself, and consequently, the cycle of a long and industrious life, to the origins of his ancestors returned. It was currently the ideals of the first figure in my chest adopted. My entire games or less in open, the long walk, wherever, and especially my association with stämmigen very young, my mother sometimes bitter Qualcomm have caused me the exact opposite of a family man. And although at the time I hardly any serious ideas regarding the profession had the one day I should pursue, my sympathies were in any case not in the direction of the profession of my father. I believe that even then my oratorisches talent in the form of more or less violent arguments with my classmates was developed. I was a little ringleader has started at school I have easily and at the time very well, but was otherwise quite hard to treat. Because in my spare time I have received, singing lessons in the cloister in Lambach, I had excellent opportunity to get even with the serious brilliant splendor of the church to celebrate inebriate. As was only natural, the abbot geschienen to me as the village priest once to my father, the highest and the most desirable ideal geschienen. For a time, at least this was the case. But as my father, understandable reasons, has proved to be incapable, oratorischen the talents of his streitsüchtigen boys to appreciate them or by any reasonable conclusions regarding the future of his progeny to draw, he could, it is without saying achieved no Understanding for such youthful ideas. With matter, he has this conflict of nature observed. As it happened, was my provisional aspiration for this profession, in any case, soon to disappear, making place for government hopes to my assessment. The purposes of rooting through the library of my father, I had on several books of a military nature including a popular edition of Franco-German War of 1870-7I It has consisted of two editions of an illustrated magazine of the years gestoßen, which is now my favorite lecture has become , Representing him was not long before the great heroic fight my greatest inner experience had been identified. From then on I'm always enthusiastic about everything has become, in whatever connected with war, or indeed with soldiering But in another respect as well, it was important for me. For the first time, although until now in a confused form, the question was on my awareness forced: Was there a difference and when they do what the difference between German, d

You there, Clock!
I am Dr. Eggman, the new ruler of the Clock Crew and I order you to spam the portal relentlessly with as many [CC] Flash as you possibly can! Today is the day we rage war on all spam groups who dare stand against us, and as a member of the Clock Crew it is your job to spread that title to as many parts of this site as you possibly can!
Now is our time to take over Newgrounds, I trust your fully prepared!

i bet your boobs r ugly like u.

So, are you Tom's girlfriend?

Tom Can't get enough of my hot body

nd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive live coverage!!!

So because I am so happy here everyone who posts here will win two thousand dollars

So here is the famous clip you have been waiting for every Clock Day since the first. Bask in it's glorynd I will be supplying exclusive

it must be freezing

sounds good bro

Come back and make movies again, dawg :C